Bryan’s Take:

When you meet someone, sometimes you just know they’re an incredible human. That’s how I felt when I first met James Papiano. What I really admire about James is the depth he sees the world. He asks the big questions, he cares deeply, and he’s very conscience and aware of who he is and where he wants to go. He’s an advocate for self care, and he’s an incredible coach to leaders. Every time we chat, I realize way too much time has gone by from the last conversation and that with more conversations, more insights will be unlocked. I am deeply grateful for the relationship I’ve built with James. Now, I’m thrilled to share the episode we recorded.

About James:

James Papiano is the Founder and President of James Papiano + Co, an executive coaching and consulting firm built to help managers and leaders navigate change for themselves, their teams, and their organizations. James believes your people can be the catalyst for advancing on priorities and growth, you just need to unlock their potential. James guides clients through paths that are customized to their needs. Each path emphasizes learning and performance for the team and organization, but always focuses on the individual and on the change they can create.


As a young man trying to find his way in life, James found his path forward in an unexpected place. He shares his story today on the One Away Show.


Listen to the Episode here: