When disaster strikes twice, how do we lift those who always lift others?

Today, I’m writing to you about Janine, a vital member of our Arcbound community, who finds herself in exactly that position.

Janine and her wife Lyman have lost everything to Hurricane Helene, and they desperately need our support.


But before I tell you how we can help, let me paint a picture of who Janine is.

Imagine someone with a smile so bright it could power a small city. That’s Janine. She’s the impossibility-crusher, the day-brightener, the person who makes magic happen at Arcbound.

Janine is that rare individual who’d take a middle-of-the-night phone call and show up at 2AM to help, no questions asked. She’s the colleague who stays late to help you meet a deadline, the neighbor who mows your lawn when you’re sick.

And Lyman? She’s cut from the same cloth of kindness. As a NICU nurse, she’s held the tiniest hands through the toughest fights, offering comfort and hope to families in their darkest hours.

Now, these two beacons of light in our community are facing their own dark hour.

Just two months ago, Janine and Lyman were celebrating. After months of hard work, they had finally moved back into their newly renovated home in Dunedin, Florida. The paint was barely dry, the furniture carefully arranged, and a decade of cherished memories proudly displayed.

Then Hurricane Helene hit.

In a matter of hours, everything changed. Five feet of seawater crashed through their home, turning their lives upside down. Furniture floated away, appliances short-circuited, and irreplaceable photos dissolved.


Now, instead of enjoying their renovated space, Janine and Lyman are piling their belongings in garbage bags on the front lawn. For the second time in just a few years, they’re starting from scratch.

Worse, their home insurance will barely cover any of the destruction. They’re facing nearly $100,000 in damages, with a GoFundMe goal set at just $10,000. And as they attempt to rebuild, another storm—Milton—is expected to make landfall tonight.



Janine and Lyman have spent their entire lives being the helpers. Now, they’re the ones who need help.

This is where we come in. I’m asking you to join me in three ways:

1. Donate what you can to their GoFundMe. Every dollar helps them rebuild their lives and their home.

2. Share their story. Your network could be the lifeline they need. The more people who know, the more support we can gather.

3. Take a moment to reflect on climate change. This isn’t just about Janine and Lyman—it’s about all of us and the future of our planet. Consider supporting organizations like the Environmental Defense Fund or donating to the Florida Disaster Fund to help other victims of Hurricane Helene.

I’ve always believed that the true measure of a community is how we show up for each other when the floodwaters rise. Today, it’s Janine and Lyman who need our help. Tomorrow, it could be any of us.

If you’ve already donated, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We’re humbled by the generosity we’ve seen to date. If you haven’t yet, please consider doing so now. Every cent helps.

Let’s be the kind of community that catches each other when we fall. Let’s show Janine and Lyman that their unwavering generosity and compassion haven’t gone unnoticed.

Together, we can help this amazing couple rebuild and recover. We can be the spark that reignites their smiles.

Here’s that link again.